Jen's Birthday pool party 8/31/09
Here is a video of Guiliana playing "peak-a-boo"
Some cute smiley faces:
Labor Day Weekend! Greg's grandparents from NY decided to come and visit for the first 2 weeks in September which was a change because they usually come for Christmas. They came out to look at places as they really want to move here. So, since Greg and I were already off for Labor Day, we decided to take off the Friday before and make it a nice long 4 day family weekend. It was a real treat having them here. We went out to dinner and breakfast a couple of times that weekend. That is just something we never have a chance to do. One morning we went out to breakfast and then let Guiliana play in the play area at PV Mall. It was a nice, much needed break from work, and some great family time! Oh, and by the way... they signed papers on a place before they returned back to NY. As soon as they got back they put their house up for sale!!
The first NFL game of the season! GO GIANTS!! 9/13/09
This is the face that Guiliana makes when you ask her to smile!!
So, the little Giants uniform is from Guiliana's costume from last year. Greg thinks its cute if she wears it every Sunday and also feels like it brings the team luck!
Guiliana liked having her great grandparents here. Of course like every other kid... she warmed up to them right before they left. But that's okay, they will be back here soon enough and permanently!
And last but not least...
Today Guiliana and I went to Kendel's 7th Birthday at Pump It Up. She was a little leary at first and then after a few forced attemps down the slide she warmed up to the idea! We climbed, jumped, and went down the slides! We had a blast and can't wait to go back!!
The video above is of Guiliana chatting and singing. The intro is a bit long but its worth the wait!