Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day 2011

Last Friday I attended Guiliana's Valentines day party at her school. We made a bag together to collect all of her Valentine's from her friends. Then we shared Valentine's donuts and milk. It was sweet. Then, over the weekend I treated my family with homemade Red Velvet and Cream Cheese frosting heart cakes.
Today, Guiliana got a lot of little goodies from Greg and I and Grandma and Grandpa. I got flowers and Chocolates delivered to work was so sweet of Greg. Greg made out pretty well too. I found the last Superbowl that the NY GIANTS were in and won on DVD. This was a very important gift as He was a part of that game and is in parts of the DVD. It turned out to be a great Valentine's day for all of us!

Victoria's Princess Birthday Party

A couple of weeks ago, Guiliana and I attended one of her very good friends, Victoria's 3rd Birthday party at the Railroad park. It was a Disney Princess party and the girls were to come dressed as their favorite Princess. Guiliana decided to attend the party dressed as Ariel. It was so cute to see all of her little friends from school have such a fun time together! I love that she has her "little" friends!