Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

It has always been a dream of mine that if I ever had a little girl, that one year for Halloween she would dress up like a Sunflower. I have been planning on this costume since before last Halloween. My friend Diane found this costume in a catalog for me and the moment I saw it I knew this was the one! I wanted to wait till this year because I felt that it would work better if she were walking.
Well, tonight she looked adorable! I couldn't take how cute she looked dressed up in her Sunflower Fairy costume. The moment we hit the pavement in our neighborhood she was off and running... literally!!! She walked the majority of the time and it was only the end that she wanted me to carry her. She did a good job for only being 18 months old. We haven't mastered the whole... going up to a strangers door and asking for candy!!! Maybe next year!

Another talking video (18 months)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Week 2009

This week has been full of Halloween festivities at Guiliana's school. They have made several projects including a ti-dyed shirt that her teacher Carly helped them with. They all wore there handmade shirts yesterday as a class and I can only imagine how cute that must have been! Today she had a Halloween party with her class. We made goodies for the party, Chocolate rice crispy treats with Halloween sprinkles on them and put them in little pumpkin baggies! It was a fun week for her.

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Talking and Singing!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Carving!!

Today was the very first time that Guiliana got to carve a pumpkin. Even though we were at Schnepf's farm last night we decided to get one while her and I were grocery shopping today instead. They were a lot cheaper at the grocery store so we were able to get a bigger one. Guiliana was interested in helping me with the pumpkin but did not want to stick her hands in it to clean out the goop!! She actually did help me do some of the carving and she did a very good job. We also roasted the seeds and they turned out super yummy!!!
We had so much fun today starting our own little family tradition.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Schnepf's Farm

Today the Tortora Troop along with Grandma and Grandpa, The Hoover Family and Steve took a trip out to the pumpkin farm. It is out in Queen Creek, AZ and is over an hour away but it was so worth it!!! Guiliana was non-stop from the moment we got there at 4pm till we left at 8pm. She ran and laughed the whole time. We started off by visiting the petting zoo and she was very interested in all of the animals. I had to pull her away just so we could move on! Eric, Bella, Gules, and I, went down a big slide and she giggled the whole way done. Next it was onto the food. This farm is known for their Chili and let me tell you... it was some of the BEST Chili I have ever had. And yes... they had vegetarian chili for me and Fran. Guiliana's favorite part of the meal was the corn on the cob, the poor thing kept eating in the same spot! We then ventured onward... we did some pumpkin picking and Guiliana was more interested in running through it rather than picking one! But Grandma and I found a cute little one for her to take home. We also ran through a corn stalk maze. I was running through like a crazy women because when I would stop she would yell "go,go"!! She had a blast four wheeling through there. Oh, and one point Michally hid in the corn field, jumped out, and scared the crap out of me!!!
We enjoyed some very yummy foods throughout the night, Italian Ice in a NY METS hat cup, kettle corn (Guiliana's favorite of the night) lemonade, and roasted marshmallows. We ended our night with a hayride. Guiliana fell right asleep the minute we got on. That girl has energy like no one that I know. She was non-stop all night, just running and playing. She really had a blast and I love sharing these times with the ones that I love. Guiliana is such a light in our lives and just brings so much fun to our lives.