Sunday, January 23, 2011

Disney on Ice... "LETS CELEBRATE"

Let me start off by saying that I unfortunately forgot to charge my camera battery so all the pictures are from mine and Greg's cell phone so some came out with some funky resolution.
Anyways, Disney on Ice this year was part of Guiliana's Christmas gifts. Grandma and Grandpa joined Greg, Guiliana and I. This was our 3rd time going. The Princesses, Mickey and Minnie, and The gang from Toy Story were the highlight of the show for her. I think we may have started a fun little tradition. The Disney Princess Classics Ice show is coming the weekend after her Birthday and Since she is currently very into the Princess, I think we will be attending that show.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Like Mother... Like Daughter"

Since Thanksgiving Guiliana has expressed interest in some of my favorite things. Some examples are... Celine Dion, Josh Groban, and GLEE. She often asks for all of these and suggests we listen to Josh Groban in the car almost everyday. She is very much interested in ALL kinds of music, but it especially warms my heart that we share the love of Celine Dion! Here are some videos of some of her dancing and singing skills she learns from her weekly dance class. Oh, and also one of her favorite groups is Linkin Park, thanks to Daddy.

"Princess Sparkly... Pants"

Just a quick funny! For the past 2 days Guiliana has been telling me that her name isn't Guiliana. She now wants to be referred to as "Princess Sparkly Pants" but after about 5 min she decided that she indeed is dropping the "pants" part of her new name. Hilarious!

Brooklyn's 4th Birthday 1/14/11

Last Friday we celebrated our puppy Brooklyn's 4th Birthday. Since she is on a special diet I made her a special homemade treat, Chicken brownies. She got a new chew bone from Grandma and Grandpa and a whole lot of love from us. We love her and she such a great part of our family!