Sunday, October 21, 2012


Guiliana has been talking about cutting her hair short for quite some time now. So, yesterday when her and I went to the salon she asked our hair dresser Kristy to cut it short. Guiliana ended up having so much to cut that she was able to donate it to "Locks Of Love". I thought this was an amazing thing for a 4 year old to do. I have to admit, When her ponytail was being cut off I got a little anxious. She has had such long hair for a few years now and I was afraid that she wasn't going to like it. But it was just the opposite. She loved it!!! She couldn't wait to show everyone and kept saying "No one is even going to recognize me at the store Mommy. I am a different person" She also was happy that she was able to help and little girl or boy.

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