Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2 years ago today...

2 years ago today Greg and I found out that we were pregnant. It came as a HUGE surprise to us and here is why...

Just a few months prior, May 13, 2007 to be exact we had suffered a miscarriage. Then about 2 months later I wasn't feeling like myself. For about 2wks before we found out, I had been feeling like I was pregnant but everytime I took a pregnancy test, it would come out negative. I thought that it was just my body trying to get back to normal. Now working for an OB/GYN, I have alot of resourses at my disposal so i decided to make an appt with my Doctor. She ran some blood tests to see what exactly was going on. A few days later she told me that I have Polysistic Ovarian Syndrome, which can make it very difficult to get pregnant (ie: we had not been using anything for 2 1/2 years and we never got pregnant). So my doctor had informed me that she thought it would a good idea to put me on some monthy medication to get my body back on track. She also had told me that I really needed to talk with Greg about whether or not we were going to try and get pregnant again, and the reason was this... this medication increases the chance of pregnany almost 100% so we needed to decide to get pregnant or if I was going on the pill. After talking for awhile we decided that we would wait a year and then start trying. We had only had our puppy Brooklyn for about 5 months and decided that she was enough work. So my doctor instructed that I start the pill the following Sunday along with the new monthly medication. Now, they always tell you to take a pregnancy test before starting birth control just to be sure.
So... it was a Sunday morning and I was making breakfast and enjoying a cup of coffee. I really had every intention of taking a test first thing that morning but for some reason it slipped my mind. So, I decided to drink some more coffee so I could go to the bathroom. I had eggs cooking on the stove (which I believe later burned) and had to use the restroom (which is right off the kitchen) and as clear as day that test turned postitive in an INSTANT!!! We couldn't believe it!! I hadn't even started that medicine yet! I got pregnant on my own without it so our thoughts... this was our little miracle. I have always felt this story was special and wanted to share it with our Guiliana. We want her to know what a special and unexpected blessing she is.


Hoover Family said...

hmmm this story sounds so familiar... Oh yeah it's my EXACT story. What a blessing these girls are, and to think we were seconds away from taking birth control! Can you imagine?? It really is God's work, just cause we were lazy, He gave us beautiful babies :)

Libby said...

What an awesome story (and a wonderful surprise)!!!

Valerie said...

Great story! And the funny thing is, when I first saw the picture of the test, I thought you were announcing you were pregnant now! LOL! I am crazy!