Sunday, August 16, 2009

Enchanted Island

Yesterday afternoon/evening, we met the Hoover Family at the Olive Garden where we kicked off one FUN evening. I wasn't to sure how dinner would go with 2 toddlers (they have a real lack of sitting still ya know! LOL) but, they were both GREAT!! They shared some penne pasta and steamed broccoli and they were super cute! After a YUMMY dinner we headed to Enchanted Island. We had never been there before but Michally and I had looked it up online and thought it looked/sounded cute and it was. We started the girls off in the water, splash area. Can I just say, I liked that this had mini walls around it and was all padded on the floor. It made it much easier for us parents to enjoy watching our children have fun. Desert Ridge on the other hand can be very tough with the splash pad being so open and what makes it worse is if your child runs outside of it there is a very good chance they would slip! It is the most slippery surface ever and it scares the crap out of me!
After the splash area we all rode the train which went all around Encanto Park and we got to see all the lakes and paddle boats. After the train we stopped for a little snack and the girls enjoyed some Churros (sorry Aunt Michally for all of the sugar on your pants!) We decided that the girls needed to run around so we went in the park area and found some ducks in a pond and so we decided to feed them. Uncle Eric feed them all of Bella's goldfish crackers, which they really seemed to like.
After we let them run for awhile we still had tickets left for the carousel. Although the whole family rode the train, it was just the mommy's and their girls on the carousel. At first, I got on the horse with Guiliana but I was told I had to get off and just hold her (okay???) so when I did that she freaked out and we had to get off before it started. Bella and Michally rode it and had a fun time. We all had such a good time we can't wait to get the girls together again.
OH!! I almost forgot!! We kept telling the girls to give kisses and eventually, every they would pass each other the would stop and give kisses. It was so sweet!
(and yes... as usual I took WAY TOO may pictures - I think about 82!! but I won't post them all!!)

1 comment:

Libby said...

Hey Momma! We need an update =) Although, I have been slacking on our blog too.