Saturday, April 10, 2010

2 year check-up

Friday, April 9th we took Guiliana to her 2 yr check-up. Daddy joined us this time which was very nice and a big help for Mommy. Here are some stats from her appt:
Height: 36.61 in (98th percentile)
Weight: 32.19 lbs (96th percentile)
**The doctor told us that they can estimate at the age of 2 (by some calculation that I can't remember) how tall your child will be and she said Guiliana may be around 5'10!
The doctor said that we have a healthy girl on our hands. Her tubes in her ears (it's been almost a yr since she got them) looks clear and are still in the right place. Thank heavens for that! We are also going to make the switch from whole milk to 2% as she is at the proper weight and doesn't require all the extra fat.

Here are some of the things that Guiliana is doing these days:
1. She can recite her whole alphabet
2. Counts to 20
3. Sing songs in their entirety(ie: Row, Row, Row your boat, twinkle twinkle, Ring around the rosey, The Wheels on the bus are just a few off the top of my head)
4. She is forming complete sentences (small sentences) Her vocabulary is just never-ending. She will repeat just about anything you tell her to say but also says so much on her own. She is constantly having little conversations.
5. **My favorite little thing that she does is when she wants me to hold her she says "Mommy, hold you" it is the sweetest thing to hear.
6. She is a girl who knows what she wants... the minute we get in my car in the morning or when I pick her up after work she will tell me what song she wants to listen to. And if I put something on that she doesn't like she will tell me "No".
7. She is in LOVE with Mickey and Minnie Mouse
8. For the past few months she went through a phase where she wanted to watch the movie Coraline EVERYDAY!
9. She loves the show ICARLY
10. She is really getting into her books
11. She has recently started wanting to pick her snacks on her own out of the cabinet, so I have made her her own little shelf where she can get whatever she wants when she wants it
12. She is currently wearing a 3-4T (just a fun fact to look back on when she reads this when she is older)
13.She enjoys helping me clean
14. She is so independent and wants to do everything herself including opening the car door and getting into her car seat all by herself.
15. Daddy has really gotten Guiliana to become aware of her manners... she says "Please, Thank you, Your Welcome, I love you"
BUT... she has got some little attitude too!!! She tells me things like "No, No, you don't tell me no" all while pointing her finger at me! She will also tell me to turn around when we are in the car. She has a sassy little personality and a strut that goes along with it. She also has the whole "eye-rolling" thing down! She tries to be so sneaky about it but we catch her. Its kinda funny (at this age anyways!)
16. She has an obsession for chewing on her hair (another reason why I put it up)
17. She loves rocks
18. Wearing her sunglasses
19. When I get her dressed, after we are done she says "Look Mommy, pretty" "I'm pretty" Or "Cute"
20. Sometimes I will ask a question or repeat something that she said and she will say "I know Mommy, I know"
21. Yesterday she was watching the METS game with Daddy and she said "Look Daddy METS, baseball daddy" She knows her Sports.
22. Loves Music and dancing (or sometimes jumping)
23. She insists on climbing the stairs in our house all by herself and she does a pretty good job (we are always right behind her)
24. She still enjoys Tinkerbell
25. Taking pictures (with her pretend camera)
26. She is fascinated with the Moon
27. She recently started asking for "chocolate milk" because one of her favorite Mickey Mouse Clubhouse movies, Goofy was making it for Mickey and Donald and she picked up on that. The way she says it though is the stinkin cutest!!
28. When she gets excited she will say "Look Mommy, Look Daddy, Look!"
29. If you ask her if she wants some more she will say "No, no anymore"
30. Sometimes she will do something wrong and say "Really? Really?"
31. If she hurts herself she says "I'm sorry baby, I sorry"
32. She also says "Anyway or Are you serious?" sometimes when I ask her to do something.
33. If she is looking for someone or something so she will say "Mommy, Are you?"
34. She is obsessed with shutting the doors and turning lights off!

She plays this little game with me where she will "fake cry" and she wants me to treat her like a little baby and say "Oh no baby, don't cry" And then I have to rock her like a baby. Its the cutest thing!

She is gonna kill me for this one but its funny!! When she has to poop she will find a special spot to sit with her knees bent and say "Oh no poop poo, mommy, daddy, puppy, grandma, grandpa" I have no idea why she drags us into her pooping but its hilarious!!

She insists on giving the puppy treats so I buy a box of little ones just for her to give to Brooklyn.

Some of her favorite foods:
1. Apples and yogurt
2. Yogurt rasins
3. Applesauce
4. Any kind of pasta
5. Peas
6. Brocoli
7. Greenbeans
8. Carrots
9. Banana's
10. Cereal
11. Fruit snacks
12. Cucumbers
13. Hummus
14. Salad
15. Blueberries

Things that we have to work on:
1. Getting rid of her pacifier
2. Getting her to sleep in her own room/bed
3. Introducing her to the big girl potty, but we will have a lot of help in this her over the next year.

Here are some picture of her on the way to her appointment:

There is always so much that I want to document for her. But when it comes time to get it all down I am sure I am forgetting half of it. One day when Guiliana is all grown up she will be thankful for the parts I did remember :)

After her doctor's appointment we enjoyed the rest of our family day but having some breakfast at Chompies. The weather was so beautiful so we sat outside. Then did a little playing in the kiddie area in the mall. We managed to squeeze in a little shopping too!

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