Tuesday, April 20, 2010

She say's the cutest things!!

I told you that I was going to forget somethings on her 2yr old update!! Guiliana is talking so much these days that I want to document everything I can. I know that as as adult, it is so much fun to go back and read what I was doing at this age so I want the same for Guiliana.

The stuff that comes out of her mouth just cracks us up!
* When she wants to hold one of her stuffed animals or her Mickey or Minnie she will say... "Come here Minnie, Come here" and then give her a BIG hug!

*Greg, Guiliana and I always give big hugs and this is when I am holding her and we hug Greg together and she says "BIG HUGS"

*If she wants you to come somewhere with her she will grab your hand and say "Walk with me"

*Recently I have been leaving Guliana downstairs for like 2 seconds while she is watching one of her shows to run upstairs and grab something, change, etc... So, while I am up there I will yell down "Guiliana, are you ok?" and she responds "Ya Mama, you okay?"

*If I am in the other room and she is looking for me, once she finds me she will say "I'm right here baby" (because I call her baby all the time)

*When she is in bed and wants you to lay down with her she will pat on the pillow and say "Mommy lie down" its sweet :)

*This one isn't funny but needs to be documented... she is still using her sign for "more" when she wants more of something which I am so proud of.

*But my all-time favorite is still when she wants to be held, hugged, or is just sad she will say "Mommy hug you" or "Mommy hold you" and it just melts my heart!

This is all I can remember for now but, I am sure there will be more funny things to come... stay tuned!!!


Mrs.Lemon said...

These are SO sweet! Such a cutie pie.

Valerie said...

So cute! I love how she responds with "Ya, Mama, you okay?" Hilarious! I love that she still signs "more", Shelby was signing before he could actually say it, then continued for a while, now he doesn't anymore. Good for Guiliana! I love all her phrases, so funny!