Saturday, January 3, 2009

9 months old today!!

(This picture was taken today in front of BJ's at Desert Ridge)

Guiliana has turned into such a big girl just in the last month, from saying her first words "Hi Dadda" to all the different foods that she trying (and liking).

I spent most of the morning today packing up yet another box of clothes that she has grown out of, her "playmat", and various baby seats that she no longer uses. It has made me realize that she really isn't going to be a baby for much longer. Once she starts walking... well then that's it!!

Here are is just a little bit on Guiliana at 9months of age:

She still has no interest in crawling, but has so much interest in standing. She will grab onto your shoulders if you are sitting next to her and pull herself up on you. She LOVES to jump, whether its in her excercaucer or if you holding her in the standing position, she is JUMPING! She also claps her hands when you tell her to, gives hugs and kisses, and can give a high-five. Some of her favorite things to do right now are watching the Wiggles, Dora, or of course Spongebob- take our evening walks with Brooklyn, and shopping with Grandma and Mommy. We also have noticed that she enjoys slipping Brooklyn snacks underneath her highchair tray. It really is the funniest thing!! She is eating so many different foods right now - over the holidays she has tried and liked, mash potatoes, green bean casserole, animal crackers, chicken nuggets, just to name a few. She has been also eating eggs now for the past month or two. She loves them - especially with a little cheese, she will eat a whole egg all by herself (scrambled of course!)

She is a total "momma's girl" right now. If I am in the room she wants to be with me. As soon as I walk into the room and she finds me, she wines till I pick her up and once I do she laughs. She is such a giggler!! My nickname for her, and has been for quite sometime, is "giggles" She just melts my heart when I hear her giggle. Oh, and for some reason we have this clock in our kitchen that she is DEATHLY afraid of and Greg and I have no idea why, its weird.

Last Monday I ended up having to take her to the doctor... She ended up with her 2nd ear-infection, except this time it was a double one. She is much better now as the antibiotics are working nicely. But the funny part is... at 9 months she weighed in at 23 pounds!!! What a chunker huh!!! But, we are keeping our fingers crossed that she doesn't end up like her daddy with the constant ear-infections.

Happy 9 month Birthday Guiliana! You are such a wonderful little girl and I am having the time of my life being your mommy!! XOXOXO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog but don't ever post. But.....considering Joe is about to turn ONE in 3 days, I felt compelled to commiserate with you on the "growing up too fast" mantra. Man, it is sooooo bitter sweet watching them grow up. I am so excited for all his milestones, but so sad to officially have a toddler, not a baby =(

Yay for Guiliana trying new foods! I love feeding Joe new things.

Take Care,

Marianne (Green) Robak