Friday, January 23, 2009

Guiliana's 9 month check-up... but at 9 1/2 months

Around the time I had originally scheduled Guiliana's 9 month check-up was also when that we thought that she had another ear infection... and we were right. So, the doctor suggested that I just bring her back in 4 weeks to check her ears and if she was doing better than she would get her shot :(
So, here we are....
Today we finally had her check-up- She weighed in at 23lbs 7.5 ounces and 29in long which puts her in the 95th percentile (which I pretty sure is all her weight! LOL!) She checked out just fine. No ear infection (thank goodness because she has the crud that we all are suffering from, ya know - stuffy nose and chest congestion) and is progressing as she should be.
She is now eating 3 full meals a day and one snack. She is down to maybe 4 bottles (most of the time 3) a day and only 4oz. She would much rather eat than drink her bottle. Her use of the sippy cup is getting better as her teachers are working with her on that everyday. Her variety of food continues to grow. She eats the school lunch just about everyday - pizza bites, chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, beef macaroni, bean and cheese burritos, and of course all the fruits and veggies they offer... carrots, corn, green beans, peas, pineapple, peaches... oh and her new favorite snack is chocolate pudding :)But she always has her fruit w/oatmeal in the mornings and on the weekends, we make her her favorite... eggs and french toast sticks.
She still does not crawl but often sits in the cheerleader position (you know, one leg in front and one leg back to the side, But, she scoots all over and turns herself completely around. She gets from the sitting position to on her tummy, hangs out for a bit, and then has enough.
Although she has bubbles in her bath every night, she all of a sudden noticed them, and as of 2 nights ago... she is now eating them!!!
She is now waving goodbye, but not hello... go figure! LOL!
She has changed so much in two weeks, I can't believe it!! Can't wait - tomorrow we are having a furniture building party. Aunt Michele and Uncle Brandon are coming over to help put together all of Guiliana's new furniture she got for Christmas. Of course I will be posting pictures!!!

1 comment:

Libby said...

She is such a wonderful fun baby! I love watching her grow.