Monday, April 27, 2009

Her First Sentence!

So over the weekend we dicovered Guiliana has a new saying!! Daddy and Gules like to play peak-a-boo in the morning before they get out of bed. Daddy puts the blanket over his head and she pulls it off and he says "I see you". Well this weekend Guiliana and I were snuggling on the couch and she was doing her usual and talking a mile a minute to herself. Then I started hearing words that actually sounded like they made some sence. She was putting her hands over her eyes, taking them away, and saying "I see you"!! It was the cutest thing ever!! To know how to use the right words in the proper context, makes us proud! She says it alot now.
She is talking alot these days! With all of her ear infections and the constant antibiotics, I have had to make medicine time somewhat fun for her. So, now I have her help me give it to her and she helps hold the syringe. After she is done I say "good girl" and she will repeat it everytime!! She also knows when to say "HI". When I pick her up after work she says "HI". We have her saying puppy and brooklyn which is the cutest thing - now that she is scooting all around, those 2 have become good friends :)

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