Sunday, May 17, 2009

Guiliana gets her tubes

So, Friday May 15th was the day Guiliana got tubes put in her ears. It went better than I thought. I was concerned about her not being able to eat for 8 hours prior to surgery so I gave her pediasure for both her 8pm bottle and then when I woke her up before midnight. It filled her up and she didn't fuss to eat again till after her surgery (surgery wasn't till 9:30am). She woke up that morning in a great mood and even fell asleep on the way to the hospital. She played up until the minute they took her and when the nurse finally did take her back, she didn't cry (which was the part that I was dreading the most) After maybe 5-7 min the doctor came out and told us that she did great and that its a wonder this kid wasn't miserable as she had "rubber cement" like crud in her ears!! They let us back before she woke up (they had an oxygen mask on her that helped bring her out of the anesthesia). She woke up cried for 1 sec and immediately went back to taking and laughing like before she went in. I was super nervous about putting her under but everything worked out very well. I look forward to no more infections!!!

We got to wait in the "G" room :)

She wouldn't wear her hospital bracelet on her wrist so we had to put it on her ankle!


Libby said...

I am SO glad everything went well!!! She is such a happy girl.

The Brown Family said...

So glad all is well! I always think it is so awesome that there is medicine to help with things like this.